That Which Sleeps Wiki

The Chosen One is the Hero fated to destroy the Old One. The Chosen One begins the game hidden as a regular hero, and develops their power over the course of the game. As they fulfil prophecies and quests, they reveal themselves to the player, and to the world at large.

The Chosen one can be of any race, except outsider races, so there won't be Flayer Chosen Ones. The game is skewed however towards human Chosen Ones, as those from the Elder Races tend to be extremely strong. Like all heroes the Chosen One has one of four AI archetypes:

The Sage: The sage focuses on Lore and spellcasting. A sage might not directly oppose the Old One, but they will research spells that directly counter the player's abilities, and will speed up the process of discovering the Old One's identity significantly.

The Leader: The leader prefers to create a grand Alliance of the world's nations to bring down the Old One. They are skilled diplomats and troop commanders who will work to bring about peace and unity if they aren't stopped.

The Adventurer: The adventurer eschews the complexities of research and diplomacy. Their solution to the Old One's rising power is to gather a few good friends and attack the Old One at the Great Seal. While the adventurer lacks the support networks of the other two archetypes, they are very effective on their own.

The Priest: The priest is a hero who has been been chosen by the Gods to oppose the Old One.

The Prophecy[ | ]

The path of the Chosen one is guided by prophecies. These prophecies steer the Chosen One on his path to save the world. The prophecies are dynamic and can change dependent on how the game is going. If the Chosen One is ever killed, the prophecies will create a new one who will start over.

The Chosen One develops over the course of the game. They begin the game appearing to be a standard hero, but fated to succeed at every quest they attempt. The Chosen One cannot die without player interference, fate has a plan for him - even if that plan ends with the Old One slaughtering him. Later in the game, the Chosen One will receive a series of quests causing them to learn of and accept their destiny. After this, the Chosen One will begin to move against the player directly, using whatever abilities their archetype offers them.

How to Handle[ | ]

The player can handle the Chosen One in several different ways. The simplest solution is to kill them. If the player kills the Chosen One, a threads of fate will weave a new champion, but they will be slow to become a threat, and the world's nations will be less likely to trust the new Chosen One after seeing what happened to the last one. Alternatively, the player can corrupt the Chosen One and turn them against the world. A corrupted Chosen One can Ascend to become a Rival Old One. Finally, Sisyphus has unique interactions with the Chosen One via a series of events.

Chosen One Abilities[ | ]

When the Chosen One gets to level 4 (each class has 3 levels, so 4 is his first Tier 2 Class) he gets a unique ability based on the class, and this is when Prophecy quests begin to pop up. The most important one is where he "accepts his destiny" then he starts gaining his obviously chosen one abilities, and where special events start triggering around him and with the Old Ones. Late Game he's a beast, having gained double stat gains for 9 levels, many traits, tons of friends, powerful spells (all depending on his archetype) - and his special events are game changing. For example, he can declare a "Haven" for people which makes a single POI immune to all of your abilities and drastically increases its order. As a Dragoon he gains Ardent Defender which means he defends ALL heroes who wish to be defended in a battle.
