That Which Sleeps Wiki

The Old Ones influence pays off, a guild is ready to be overthrown.

Guilds are the most common structures and pursue a single agenda based on their type, the Gold Coin (pictured above) is a Merchant Guild and wants to be in cities with a lot of trade. Guilds are able to grant you influence based on their type, a Merchant guild can give you a huge influence boost in a state that has a lot of trade. Guilds build guildhalls to expand and do so often, they do not coexist pleasantly with other guilds of the same type. Guild wars are a great way to cause large scale disruption of civic life, lowering stability without attracting attention your way.

Guilds come in three archetypes, which can all have their own speciality.

Merchant- Favour Trade, help produce wealth. Current specialities are: Slaves, Resources, Commerce, Luxury Goods. Examples include the Mason's Guild.

Underworld - Like cities with gold production, increase crime, the most important one is the thieves guild. Specialities are Assassination, Influence, Crime, Smuggling

Mages- Increases lore, allows easy research of spells. The specialities are Research, Forbidden Lore, War College, Sorcery. One example of a Mages Guild is a Necromancer's Guild, which presumably falls under the Forbidden Lore speciality.

Infiltrating a Guild[ | ]

Guilds can be infiltrated easily as a Tier 2 Infiltration challenge, and once infiltrated provide a spy in every POI with that guild in it. An infiltrated guild can be Overthrown with a Tier 1 Infiltration challenge at the Guild Headquarters POI, resulting in the display above. Your decision on how to overthrow the Guild is important, the stronger your control the more suspicious it is and the more clues generated for heroes. Once in control of a Guild you will be able to determine what actions the Guild takes at certain intervals, or perform a Tier 1 infiltration challenge to immediately force an action. The longer you are in control of the guild, the lower the costs of taking the actions.

Influence[ | ]

Guilds have influence on governments, how much probably depends on the scale of the presence in the Nation.

Guild Actions[ | ]

Guilds can expand themselves in different ways. They can build new Guild Houses in POI's to extend their reach. They can also start a Guild War with a different Guild and try to overtake the other's Guild Houses. This is made far easier by the Guildmaster Agent who specializes in these actions.
